Work with me!


Actionable Astrology in Your Inbox

Be Good Guide membership blends the wisdom of astrology, tarot and other modalities with pragmatic guidance - with a few additional perks.

  • ✓ Detailed horoscopes in your inbox for each zodiac season

    ✓ A complete guide for each moon including journal prompts and rituals

    ✓ (Pro members) Early bird tickets and discounts to events

  • Basic:

    Free 14-day trial, then $9 / month or $100 / year

1:1 Guidance

Coaching and Readings

Coaching is a great way to get 1-on-1 guidance while readings are perfect to dip a toe in or gain deeper astrological insights. For readings, I offer 1:1 readings, group readings and custom events.

  • For Coaching:

    ✓ Designated time to talk through or work through a challenge

    For Readings:

    ✓ Customized insights based on your birth chart

    ✓ A recording of your reading

    ✓ A session recap with recommendations

  • Starting at $150/session

VIP Days

Strategy, Design and More

VIP days are for dedicated 1:1 time with me to talk through your needs, develop a customized plan and get you moving in the right direction. 

  • ✓ A comprehensive plan with deliverables for the day and outlined next steps

    ✓ The ability to combine several of my services into one

    ✓ Clear expectations of what is and isn’t included

  • Starting at $555
    VIP Days are offered in full, half or mini sessions.

2024 Astro Calendar

2024 Astro Calendar

Lunar Cycles, Planetary Placements and more!

This calendar includes all transits, every New Moon, First Quarter Moon, Full Moon, Last Quarter Moon and Void of Course Moons. Each entry comes with guidance for that event as well as links to more in-depth information.


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