Create a Life You Love

Classic Birth Chart Reading

$177 / 90min

This is an overview 1:1 birth chart consultation. For 90 minutes, we’ll dive into the meanings of each planetary placement in your birth chart across the 12 zodiac signs and houses. Your birth chart is a snapshot of the sky at the moment when and where you were born. It represents the qualities that are uniquely yours and that you embody throughout your life.

This reading is a fantastic opportunity to learn where your potential lies, what patterns of behavior you engage in and/or react to, and how you operate in the world.

While I’m not able to definitively outline all of the complexities of your self/ego in 90 minutes, I can guarantee that this is an excellent resource to open up a wider sense of self-awareness. We will pin point areas of your chart that you may want to dive deeper into through meaningful dialogue.

This includes the ~2 hours of preparation in advance of our consultation as well as the detailed follow-up with a recording of our time together.

Please note: It is required that you have your date of birth, time of birth, and place of birth to purchase this reading.

Wtf is Going On?
Transit Reading

$155/ 60min

A transit reading is like getting a hyper personalized horoscope for the next few months. We look at your Natal Chart and how planets are moving in relationship to it. This tells us what energy you have to work 
with and we discuss how to use the current and future astrology to 
your advantage. We will explore highs, lows, important New and Full Moons, as well as days to look out for. 

Ideal if you:

  • You need a general vibe check

  • You seek general insight into your current and upcoming energy

  • You seek insight about a specific area of life (such as love, career, personal growth, etc.)

  • You are in the midst of a plan, idea, or decision and want to better understand how the time will align

This includes the ~3 hours of preparation in advance of our consultation as well as the detailed follow-up with a recording of our time together.

Please note: It is required that you have your date of birth, time of birth, and place of birth to purchase this reading.

Group Chart Readings

Group Chart Readings

Do you have a book club that is interested in astrology? Are you the maid of honor trying to find activities for your bachelorette party? Are you looking to do some team building? Are you planning an executive retreat and you’re looking for practitioners? I love working with groups (max of 8 people) to do mini birth chart readings (25 min per person).

Corporate & Custom Events

If you have an idea for an event but don’t see something above that fits your needs, I’d be happy to work on a custom event and rate for you. With custom events, I can introduce additional modalities including tarot reading, sound healing and reiki.